Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about.

If you’re still using Evernote, probably a good time to stop.

  • effingjoe
    11 year ago

    Obsidian is a solid choice; it’s what I use, except I use the plugin called Livesync that offers a self-hosted syncing solution that is more tightly integrated with obsidian. I could have totally just used SyncThings, since I already have that for syncing other stuff. I just like to tinker with this kind of stuff.

    Edited: added context

    • stackPeek
      11 year ago

      TIL about Livesync, interesting plugin!

      Maybe one day when I have my own server and finally able to self-host something, I will use that.

    • id_kai
      11 year ago

      Thanks for mentioning Livesync! I hadn’t come across that before and it seems perfect for me. I appreciate it!

      • effingjoe
        11 year ago

        No problem! It took a little bit of trial and error to get it up and running smoothly, but at the same time the dev seems to be overhauling the UI to make that less necessary.