Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks in Gaza is more than the number killed in armed conflict globally – across more than 20 countries – over the course of a whole year, for the last three years.

  • FoundTheVegan
    8 months ago

    Israel has a right to defend itself (from children)

    Hamas made Israel do it. Bombing was the humane option.

    Israel provides water for the Gaza strip for FREE! (because they exclusively control the water supply and give substandard unclean water to Palestinians) They should be thankful for the supplies!

    It’s not genocide if I insist on not calling it that.

    I know more about the conflict than anyone who is critical of Israel. If you criticize, that means you are ill-informed.

    There we go. I saved every one some time.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      8 months ago

      you forgot to mention how many LGBTQ people Israel saved. They only killed bigoted children.

      • FoundTheVegan
        228 months ago

        Oh silly me you are right! As a queer person myself I should be celebrating the military wing of the IDF Pride ally coalition bombing direct action.

      • livus
        8 months ago

        @TinyPizza please note that for some reason this talking point is only authorized for use by people who show no other interest in LGBTQ+ rights whatsoever.

    438 months ago

    The world standing by and watching a genocide unfold is unconscionable. Children cannot be militants nor terrorists. Unless the kid is literally pointing a gun at your face there is never a justifiable claim of self defense

      8 months ago

      If your a nation makes war. Don’t use your nation’s name. Don’t raise their flag. Live for humanity. Denounce the old life of being submissive to people that ask you to kill for them.

      Understand we are going back to an era of owning up to our responsibilities as individual human beings. Side with none. Fight for all.

      Anything else is just the same old story of murder, occupation, pride and war.

    • NaN
      98 months ago

      The US will watch because it is the kind of things they would do, even is they don’t specifically like it when someone else does. This is far from the worst regime they’ve supported in the name of US interests. Since the US supports them, nobody else will do anything.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      98 months ago

      The world can’t do much without going to war with US empire given that the only reason Israel is able to do these things is unwavering US backing. US is currently moving a huge number of military assets to the region and warning countries not to interfere with the genocide Israel is committing.

    • Nope. Been writing my senators and reps for years to do more than nicely ask for peace and hit them in the funding if you really care. Before this time, the last one I sent out was in 2021 around the sheikh jarrah attacks. My senator tells me he strongly condems what happens, but his budget vote disagrees.

      • queermunist she/her
        08 months ago

        tbh I assume if I wrote to my senator they’d just put me on a list (if I’m not on one already)

    148 months ago

    OK weird thing for me: I’m in the US. If I click that link I get told to go to the US site ( not and the US site appears not to have that story, at least not in that form. I used their search function for the article title and found nothing.f

    Maybe they just titled it differently and I should search more carefully, but it seems odd right now.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      8 months ago

      I checked it out, you’re absolutely right and it’s weird as fuck. Maybe they raise a lot of money through the US side and they think that being too pro Palestinian child or detail specific might turn some people off?

      Good catch btw!

    -18 months ago

    That’s horrible. Palestinian civilians are the worse off in this whole conflict. But blaming Israel is 50% of the question. Maybe even 40%, since by now they have no other way of securing their 200 prisoners while not leaving Hamas with so much power to launch another deadly attack on them.

    The only way to prevent such atrocities now is to let Gazans flee to Egypt and let Israel kill Hamas, then let Palestinians start fresh with a leadership which prefers clean water over terror.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      18 months ago

      Country with a history of taking any land these people get pushed off is going to sweep them all into Egypt and kill the “bad” ones. Then it’s welcome back with open arms to the land off ruble and bodies huh? Is this a sick joke? Are you saying Israel is 50%-40% responsible for the thousands of dead children they bombed and killed?

      since by now they have no other way of securing their 200 prisoners while not leaving Hamas with so much power to launch another deadly attack on them.

      Guys we didn’t try anything but killing civilians and now we only have the option of going in and doing an ethnic cleansing, Damn, we really put ourselves in a pickle by forcing ourselves to murder everyone. Guess the only solution that will bridge this divide and heal these wounds is more murder. But hey, after we totally let everyone come back home wink wink we’ll throw them a pizza party and hook em up with some high quality H20.

      The fuck?

    8 months ago

    And where the fuck is the outrage for the thousands of children kidnapped by the Russian’s in Ukraine? The ACTUAL definition of genocide is a lot different than collateral damage caused by war. An ACTUAL genocide is happening right now in Ukraine with concentration camps (filtration camps) and all those bells and whistles. This world is fucking stupid sometimes. What is happening in Gaza is small fucking baby potatoes compared to what is happening in Ukraine. Russia also supports Hamas so maybe that is where all this propaganda comes from on this sub-lemmy? Its terrible. Fuck this entire sub.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      8 months ago

      Absolutely present? Are you whataboutisming the murder of kids? Whats wrong with you?

      Edit: since this person wanted to add a paragraph to their comment (without notation btw) Also fuck Russia, fuck Hamas and fuck their justifying 3000+ children’s murder as collateral damage.

      78 months ago

      Calling it a war is a lie. There is only 1 army here. The people dying are innocent civilians. They cut off water food and medical supplies to 2.1 million people. They’re bombing homes, shelters, hospitals, evacuees.

      This didn’t just start this month. This is the culmination of 40 years of apartheid. And this is a textbook attempt at genocide and ethnic cleansing.

    • livus
      18 months ago


      What is happening in Gaza is small fucking baby potatoes compared to what is happening in Ukraine.

      So, I thought you were genuine and passionate about that, so I clicked on your profile to see the stories you have been contributing and raising awareness, so I could upvote them and support you in that.

      Crickets chirping. Absolute silence from you on Ukraine.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      38 months ago

      Dan, this thing reads like the narcissists prayer dude.

      That didn’t happen.
      And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
      And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
      And if it is, that’s not my fault.
      And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
      And if I did, you deserved it.

      • cozz33
        28 months ago

        How DARE he provide nuance and not just circlejerk

      • danhakimi
        -18 months ago

        Is there a format in which you think these facts would be less inconvenient for you?

        • TinyPizzaOP
          28 months ago

          Is there a number of dead children you wouldn’t find the need to refute?

          • danhakimi
            08 months ago

            There is, unfortunately, no organization able to provide an accurate number. Whatever the number is, it is tragic.

            Did I say something that’s not completely accurate?

            • TinyPizzaOP
              28 months ago

              Just found it curious that 3000 kids die from buildings and bombs dropping on their heads and you point the finger at the people that are supposedly in the buildings with them?

    • TinyPizzaOP
      128 months ago

      The Associated Press and WHO seems to be.

      “The numbers may not be perfectly accurate on a minute-to-minute basis,” said Michael Ryan, of the World Health Organization’s Health Emergencies Program. “But they largely reflect the level of death and injury.”
      In previous wars, the ministry’s counts have held up to U.N. scrutiny, independent investigations and even Israel’s tallies.