So I’ve been scratching my head for two days trying to get my own lemmy server up and running.

I have limited server hosting experience but I used to design html websites back in high school through wordpress and was able to successfully set up my own mastadon instance so I’m pretty decent at following instructions, but what keeps tripping me up is ansible and how the heck it works.

The instructions ( are telling me to install ansible on my local machine using python3. On my windows machine I installed ansible using python but when i type the ansible command into terminal it gives me no command found. Is linux required as a host machine?

I have an account over at digitalocean and I’m willing to host my own ubuntu machine over there to get my instance running but I cannot for the life of me figure out how ansible is supposed to set up a server on my windows machine. ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated… I’m tearing my hair out and feel incredibly stupid right now :D

  • Bezerker03A
    11 year ago

    Well the server to run lemmy must be at least from that repo debian based. (Ubuntu or debian). Per the requirements.

    Anisvle prolly could run on windows. Never tested.

  • jjakc
    11 year ago

    Not sure how ansible works on Windows but you could use Windows Subsystem for Linux, install ansible on that and then off you go.

  • Rick
    01 year ago

    Install wsl for windows Ubuntu default.(can install wsl in PowerShell).

    Install Ansible in wsl, create ssh keys to your VPS, follow those instructions.

    On my Ubuntu server I did literally nothing but the ssh key generation.

    • cereal7802
      01 year ago

      I think this is one of the more sensible answers here. If your workstation is windows, then utilize WSL for ansible and deploy onto a ubuntu or debian host (I’m assuming it works fine on debian, I used ubuntu). You might run into some issues with ansible dependencies as the readme doesn’t seem to cover everything from what i remember, but once ansible works and has the correct configs, deployment is super easy.

      • Rick
        01 year ago

        Yeah Ansible I had to set the path variable and did the ssh key generation. Other than that my lemmy was up and running in like 10 minutes all automated. You can go back and change the config by rebuilding the yaml. It’s not bad at all.

        • cereal7802
          1 year ago

          I ran into some dependency issues(needed to install ansible-collection-community-docker on my fedora workstation), but after that it ran fine and installed everything first run. I made some adjustments to the inventory config afterwards, but aside from that it just worked.

          • yesdogishere
            11 year ago

            sadly, none of these is worth implementing. Remember, Windows is designed to break. MS has millions of tiny levers to flick, and they don’t care if their mindless flicking fucks up your work. Worse of all, the law protects them from flicking to destroy you out of spite. Best thing to do is just use linux. Or design our own OS. Since Linux itself is slowly collapsing under the weight of MS bullshit. And god forbid that shithole IOS.